Get Targeted B2B leads from different platforms.
Best for Solopreneurs, Agencies, SAAS Founders & MSME.
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Beta version made by AskPranav

Find contact details OF your targeted icp/leads.

For Example - List of CEOs Entrepreneurs Shops Gyms HR Head CTOs Marketers Real Estate Chefs Saloons

from anywhere in the world!


We find your Leads / Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) in bulk from different social & search platforms, such as –





Your leads will have a lot of data, such as –
Names, phone numbers, job titles, emails, addresses, social profile links and whatnot!

This helpful information will be delivered to you in a password-protected personal portal and in an excel sheet as well.


Why are social media ads a bad idea for B2B?

Mostly B2B services don’t find much success while using social media for advertisements.

The reason is, that it’s difficult to target a small, specified, job-title/business-based audience and collect leads at the same time.

This eventually leads to a huge loss in ads budget and an increase in cost per lead.

Now, this is where List Of Leads fits in! We can give you a list of leads that you are exactly looking for!


REMEMBER – Choose a platform where your ideal customer actually exists!


Get a list of emails of specific type of Instagram businesses in a particular country or city that you desire!


Get a list of 

Coaches / Consultants / Designers / Affiliate Marketers / etc.

Living in

India / Australia / London / Stockholm / etc.

If you’re looking to target a specific type of customer on Instagram, it’s important to know which business categories are usually present on the platform.

For example, cafes, gyms, creators, fashion brands, and travellers, etc are all typically active on Instagram.

All these leads, usually require a post designer, content creator, SMM, marketer, copy-writer, VA, E-commerce developer, etc.

Therefore, if you think your ideal customer is on Instagram, then Generate Leads!

If you want to turn your potential lead to a customer, then one way to do that is by visiting their profile and engaging with them for a few weeks. (Liking, Commenting, Messaging)

This way, you can get to know them and their needs better.

Meanwhile, try to find a solution to the problem that they’re experiencing, and then pitch your service or product as the solution, with a personalised offer.

Your targeted Instagram leads, will be equipped with the following contact details:

Lead’s Profile Link

Email IDs

Phone/WhatsApp Number (If Exists)

Profile Status


Get a list of people following & commenting on your competitor’s profile!


Get a list of 5,000 new followers & 2,000 commentators of an Instagram Profile.

If you want to be successful on Instagram, it’s important to know who your competition is and what their target audience is.

For example, if you want to target students and there’s another page that has a lot of active student followers or commenters, then that data/profile links (students) can be really helpful in connecting with those students.

These leads will be helpful to anyone, who wants to engage with their target audience on a deeper level.

A great way to get started with connecting to your target audience is by posting content on your page that would be interesting or valuable to them.

You can also engage with them by liking and commenting on their posts.

Further, you can build a relationship with them by sending messages, and later offer your service or product to them with a personalised offer.

Your competition’s data, will be equipped with the following contact details:

 Follower’s Profile Link

 Commentator’s Profile Link

 Instagram Name



Get a list of emails or WhatsApp numbers, of a particular business category in a particular city & country.

EXAMPLE – Real estate companies in Manila, Philippines.

Typically businesses who have their audience with age 28+ are usually active at Facebook. (There can be exceptions)

For an example – Real Estate, Parenting, Law firms, etc.

Now if these businesses are your potential customers, then you should Generate Leads!

If you want to connect with a potential customer, one way to do that is by visiting their profile and engaging with them for a few days. (liking, commenting, messaging)

Meanwhile, try to find a solution to the problem that they’re experiencing, and then pitch your tailored service or product as the solution.

Your targeted Facebook leads, will be equipped with the following contact details:

– Business Name

 FB Page Link

 Email ID

– Phone Number



Get a list of emails & phone numbers of people living in a particular city with a specific job role.


Get a list of 

CEO / Owner / Instructor / Marketer / CTO / VP / Chef / etc.

living in

Chicago / Boston / London / New York / Mumbai / etc.

This is the best way to find your ideal client on LinkedIn.

You can avoid the daily limits and the possibility of getting banned by LinkedIn by targeting specific job roles, in a specific country/city.

With these quality leads, the possibilities are endless!

You can generate a wide variety of leads, ranging from Students to CEOs.

These leads are professionals, so you need to take extra care before pitching to them.

They know why you contacted them, so don’t try to sell right away.

Build a genuine connection with the person first, find out what their problems are, and then offer your service or product as a solution.

Make sure your offer is personalised for each person.

Your targeted LinkedIn leads, will be equipped with the following contact details:

 Name & Job Title

 Client’s Profile Link


– Phone Number (If Exists)

 Profile Bio


Get a list of emails & phone numbers of ‘open to work’ LinkedIn profiles, living in a particular city with a specific job role.


Get a list of Open to work

Developers / Marketers / Designers / etc.

living in

Canberra / Delhi / Washington DC / etc..

This can be a great way to find an ideal team member, fresher or employee.

If you’re a teacher who is creating a course focused on a specific job role or soft skills, then this list can be incredibly useful to you!

You can use the lead’s data and strategically push it into a bulk email marketing campaign.

Your targeted Open To Work LinkedIn leads, will be equipped with the following contact details:

 Name & Job Title

 Lead’s Profile Link


– Phone Number (If Exists)

 Profile Bio


Get a list of local businesses in a specific citywith a lot of data!


Get a list of Open to work

Jewellers / Gyms / Saloons / Medical Stores / etc.


Jakarta / Delhi / Washington DC / etc.

If you are catering to local clientele with your product or services, then these leads will be beneficial to you.

Before you can provide a solution to a local business, you must first understand the problem they are facing.

The best way to do this is by contacting them and arranging an in-person meeting.

This will give you the opportunity to ask questions, get a better understanding of their needs, and build a relationship with the potential customer.

Your targeted Google leads, will be equipped with the following contact details:


 Business Category

 Email & Phone Number



– Phone Number

 Opening Hours

 Google Link

 Business Claim Status

WE Have generated more than 100,000 leads in just a few days while testing the beta version!


I’m glad you want to know this!
Ask Pranav is a registered firm in The Government Of India, with a GST number.

Apart from the payment invoice, you will also get my firm’s GST invoice.

This ensures, that I am TURST WORTHY! 😊

Not at all! All leads are unique!

Highly Accurate! Somewhere around 99%.

If you’re looking for leads with phone numbers attached, we can certainly find them.

However, the pool of leads will be smaller than if you didn’t require a phone number.

That’s because not everyone includes their phone number on these platforms – it’s completely up to the individual.

So if you’re looking only for phone numbers, be aware that they may not always be available.

For example – CEOs of top companies never add their phone number anywhere on the internet!

Also, remember that cold-outreach, directly on a phone number seems like a complete scam!

Yes! The annual subscription is really cost-effective.

You can receive tons of leads every month!

Simply, write us your requirements at

We have a lot of plans for this tool!

We can offer you email marketing, appointment booking, A.I. based lead nurturing, first lines for every lead, etc!

Since this is the beta version, this tool will email you all the leads and necessary details within 48 hours from the time of your purchase.

However, in the alpha version, this time will be reduced down to 10 minutes.

Yes! Once you are done with the payment and the ‘requirement form’ then please email us your GST details at

We will initiate a 100% refund if you have a very unique requirement OR we are unable to find the leads.

For example – 1,000 fisher-men on LinkedIn, from Sahara Desert.