The best WordPress page builder!

What is a Page Builder?

Page Builder is a plugin or an integrated part of a theme that helps you design the page of your website with minimal effort and time.

There are millions of businesses that fail to attract people to their website and convert them into a customer or a sale. This is because they are using the wrong page builder for their website.

Plus, switching from the wrong page builder to the right one is a tedious and time-consuming task!

There are tons of options on the internet, but many people don’t know which one to choose. Here are some important facts you need to know before choosing a page builder –

  • A live interface (drag and drop) is always good!
  • The page builder should have features that you need now or in the future.
  • It should have a good coding standard and should be performance-driven.
  • The page builder should have the ability to connect to important tools like email marketing, CRM, etc.

Hence based on these points and without comparing with other page builders like beaver builder.

I would highly recommend Elementor right away!


ELEMENTOR – Best page builder

Why choose Elementor?

Elementor is a Freemium plugin and is one of the leading page builders with 5 Million + installations!

It also holds a 5-star rating with 5,264 reviews, which is really commendable.

This website ‘’ is also made using the page builder Elementor Pro

Both Elementor Free and Elementor Pro provide us with an array of features that we can use on our website!

My favourite features are briefly mentioned below –

  • It is flexible, powerful, and super fast!
  • Design Features – Completely customize layouts, typography, colours, animations, positioning, filters, and more!
  • Marketing Features – Powerful form customization, best pop-up builder, easily integrate with tons of marketing tools, and a lot more!

Trust me! buying Elementor Pro can be the best investment for your website!


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